Brands Jewelers

Russian jewelry brand Vasily Kazakov

Silver ring with gilding
Silver ring with gilding by Vasily Kazakov.

Vasily Kazakov is a designer, jeweler who uses natural stones and silver in his work.

The bright and extraordinary collection of the artist-jeweler and geologist Vasily Kazakov fascinates with its amazingly beautiful and harmonious compositions, where all the details are subject to internal patterns and energy.

The source of inspiration for Vasily Kazakov is the objects of nature, but sometimes even any random detail can give an idea. The stone in any product is the center of the composition, which is supported by the clean and refined lines of the metal.

Silver ring with rose quartz
Silver ring with rose quartz.

Here is what the master himself says: “Very often, the principle of setting a stone is suggested by the stone itself. Looking at a mineral, you understand what kind of setting it would like to be in. duty to reveal and emphasize this image, and, preferably, by the most minimal means, so as not to distract the viewer’s attention from the “creativity of Nature itself.”

Silver earrings with gilding and amethyst
Silver earrings with gilding and amethyst.

In the works, only natural, impeccable quality stones are used, which are succinctly combined with virtuoso jewelry performance.

Silver ring with baroque colored pearl
Silver ring with baroque colored pearl.
Silver gilded ring with corundum
Silver gilded ring with corundum.
Vasily Kazakov Citrine ring
Citrine ring.
Vasily Kazakov Silver ring Grapevine with Brazilian amethyst
Silver ring Grapevine with Brazilian amethyst.
Vasily Kazakov Aquamarine ring
Aquamarine ring.
Vasily Kazakov Opal ring
Opal ring.
Vasily Kazakov Silver Salamander ring with Brazilian quartz hairy
Silver Salamander ring with Brazilian quartz hairy.